i called judith but got scratchythroat jamieson instead. was treated to an amusing conversation/2-sided monologue involving utah, james mason, southern gothic, and jetblue, set to an eclectic (if slightly dire) soundtrack. on tape. it also involved not one, not two, but THREE rants about that 1975 sex'n'slavery flick, mandingo. i think the reason i have such antagonism towards the cinema is because of the movies i somehow got to watch in my formative years: mandingo, the demon seed, trilogy of terror, poseidon adventure, the first nudie musical, the exorcist, cabaret,bless the beasts and the children--which you know was the real trilogy of terror: stanley kramer at the helm of a billy mumy (as 'not quite a boy, not quite a man' lead) vehicle, with a title theme by the carpenters (and that song that is now the theme for "the young and the useless restless"). messed up stuff, i tell you!!!! messed. up.

also messed up is the realization that i am guthy-renker's target audience.